Wednesday, October 26, 2011

An End or a Means?

So I've noticed an annoying idea that seems to be floating around the heads of a lot of us Christians these days. It seems that some of us have become a rather dark bunch that focuses on death. We have created a cult of death around one of central themes, and in a way we have cut out the predicate to the antecedent of our faith. Let me explain.

We often repeat a phrase similar to, "I'm just not dead to myself" or "God can't use me because I haven't died to myself in that area". It sounds all noble, but it is wrong in that it does not finish what he wants to do with you by any means! He wants to do so much more than end you! We are making what He meant to be a means, the end in and of itself. His end game has always been the REDEMPTION of man, not something so low as the death of man. However, in order to reach this goal and have a redeemed man, we must be cleansed of all that stains us. Unfortunately, we have done such a thoroughly good job of ruining ourselves that the only option that remains is to obliterate us and start from the foundation. Once we have been torn down, then we can be rebuilt anew, resplendent and strong AND useful!

We cannot let ourselves be deceived into thinking that the self-death is the goal of the Almighty. Our gospel did not end with Christ nailed to the cross, it continues through it and transcends beyond it. He doesn't want nor need a man that is dead to himself, He desires and needs a man that is redeemed unto Him! He has so much instore for us if we are willing to let him resurrect our hearts, minds, and desires and submit them to His service.

Anyway, it's just a thought. I hope it's not heresy. Just kidding......


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Peanut butter honey play dough

I found this great recipe for peanut butter honey play dough! Here is what you need...

1cup smooth peanut butter
3cups powdered sugar
1\3 cup honey
1 1\2 tsp vanilla extract
Food coloring, optional

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl; mix thoroughly until "dough" begins to come together. Do not over mix. If you like add a few drops of food coloring to the dough and mix. Store dough in an airtight container at room temperature for up to one week. I do not recommend this dough for kids under the age of two. Enjoy creating with your little ones or for yourself.

Here is a recipe for homemade peanut butter also....


Use  3 or 4 cups of roasted, unsalted peanuts (we buy ours in the bulk food section).  Put the peanuts in a food processor (unfortunately, this is the one essential gadget to making your own nut butter.  I don't think anything else would have the power to make the nuts into butter).  I usually fill ours with peanuts until it is level with the top of the blade attachment.   Add a couple of pinches of salt.  Turn the food processor on and process until the peanuts are ground into little bits.   Next, while the processor is still going, open up the chute on the top processor and start streaming a little bit of cooking oil (we use canola) into the mix.  Stream the oil in slowly until you reach the desired consistency of your peanut butter.  I've never measured, but I would guess I use just a tablespoon or two of oil total.  Put it in a container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator.