Friday, August 8, 2014

July 2014 Update

This month has a been a full and busy month. We have had the joy of visiting churches in the area and we have had a blast! We visited a bible study group in Victoria and got to spend time with our dear friends the Blaylocks. We stopped by churches in El Campo and Wharton and had the greatest times with Pastor Danny and Susan Roberts and Pastor Travis and Caree Glass. I'm serious when I tell you that they are some of the best people we have had the pleasure of spending time with. Their churches were so warm and welcoming to us, we really felt like family. Next, we headed down the road to Willis and spent time with a thriving church plant led by Pastor Steve Taylor, who just so happens to have a youth pastor that you may remember by the name of Josh Pantano. Josh was one of our guys in resource group and was a godly influence on so many lives, but now he and his wife are working in the market place and also leading the youth at their church. We then headed out to visit our favorite church on River street in Cleveland, TX and spent the day with Pastor Troy and Camille O'Quin. They invited me to play bass on their worship team which is an honor I will always accept! The O'Quins are leading a church revitalization project and have become close friends of ours without whom life would lose so much of its luster. Christopher Glass and Henry after service. They became best friends. This is exactly why we love this season of our lives. It is a long and tiring period, but we get to meet so many wonderful people that become woven into our hearts. All of our team is so important and special to us. You are all our Simon of Cyrene that helps us carry our cross and our burden; helps us accomplish what God has asked of us. Without you, we could not do it. We need and cherish every single one of you! -Krystopher

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